DEHN Pressemitteilungen
DEHN Press

Press releases

3 September 2024

InnoTrans 2024: DEHN protects the railway infrastructure

Modern interlockings use digital network technology to transmit control commands to points, signals or track contacts. On the one hand, this increases the efficiency and reliability of the system. On the other hand, the high proportion of electronic components is susceptible to disruptive influences such as overvoltage and lightning strikes. DEHN's interlocking protection solutions, which comply with the guidelines and are approved by DB InfraGO AG, protect interlockings against failures and thus safeguard railway operations. Modern technologies, innovative products and convincing solutions bring more safety to railway infrastructure and thus also to mobility. At this year's InnoTrans, which takes place from 24 to 27 September in Berlin, DEHN will be offering an insight into its wide range of products and solutions for the railway industry at Stand 320 in Hall 21.

19 August 2024

DEHN SE shares its expertise in lightning protection at the ICLP 2024 in Dresden

DEHN is looking forward to participating in the 37th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) 2024. The prestigious conference in Dresden from 1 to 7 September brings together experts and specialists from all over the world to discuss the latest developments and research results in the field of lightning protection. With a total of nine technical contributions, DEHN helps to create a specialist platform where international scientific and technological experts can exchange ideas and address the challenges of the future together.

12 August 2024

USA: DEHN, Inc. enters strategic partnership with BBP

DEHN, Inc., a global leader in lightning and surge protection solutions, is entering a strategic partnership with BBP, a distinguished provider of instrumentation, valves, analytical products, and control systems, to enhance protection offerings across the South/Southeast region of the United States. Through this collaboration, customers in the region can now benefit from the combined strengths of DEHN and BBP, accessing a comprehensive range of protection solutions designed to meet the unique needs of various industries. 

25 July 2024

DEHN to acquire parts of ABB’s surge protection business in the USA

Rapid electrification, the expansion of renewables and the increasing popularity of megatrends such as e-mobility open up new business opportunities around the globe, particularly for the electrical industry. In the light of this, the United States remains a high focus market, not least because of extensive government investment programs. In order to maintain a leading position in the region, DEHN is acquiring parts of ABB's surge protection business in the US.

26 June 2024

Bigger footprint in Asia: DEHN founds subsidiary in Japan

DEHN steadily continues its course of international growth and emphasises the strategic importance of the island nation of Japan by establishing a new subsidiary there. DEHN’s smart protection solutions, especially for the expansion of regenerative energies or telecommunications, have been well received in the Japanese market.

14 May 2024

DEHNguard MP YPV – Compact protection installed quickly

The importance of decentralised energy generation through PV systems will continue to increase. Safe operation of these systems is therefore essential for a stable energy supply. However, solar power cannot be generated without an inverter, the central component of a solar power system. But the inverter could be disrupted or even fail completely if, for example, subjected to the force of a lightning strike. Surge arresters (SPDs) for protecting the DC side of inverters are therefore an important component of protection concepts. DEHNguard MP YPV is the new surge protective device from DEHN for protecting photovoltaic systems on residential buildings. This Type 2 DC surge arrester expands the product range with its practical push-in double terminal. As a prewired, modular complete unit for photovoltaic systems, consisting of a base part and plug-in protection modules, it offers advantages for planning, installation and maintenance.

7 May 2024

DEHN joins UN Global Compact: DEHN now part of the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance

For many years, DEHN has been deeply concerned with the issue of sustainability, successfully integrating a wide range of measures at all levels and in all areas of the company. The family-owned company reconciles ecological, social and economic considerations with legal requirements and societal demands. “It is our corporate obligation to take responsibility for our own actions. We want to do our bit and hand over a planet on which life is worth living to future generations.” says Dr Philipp Dehn (CEO of DEHN SE). “For us, this means: economic growth must go hand in hand with the protection of resources and people. Joining the UN Global Compact is the next step towards a consistently sustainable corporate focus." 

19 February 2024

DEHN at Light + Building 2024: Protection – Space – Future

More frequent extreme weather events and increasingly interconnected electronic devices pose a greater risk of damage due to lightning strikes and surges. Appropriate protective measures in compliance with current standards and regulations are required to protect people, buildings, systems, as well as modern energy generation and storage. From 3 to 8 March 2024, DEHN can be found at stand B90 in hall 12.0 where it will be presenting solutions for the new DIN 18014 as well as technologies and products for electrical engineering, home and building automation and safety technology. DEHN will be showcasing protection solutions for industry, PV systems and residential buildings, including refurbishment, renovation and modernisation.

2 February 2024

More capacity for the megatrends of our time: DEHN opens new main plant in Mühlhausen

After a construction phase of around two years, DEHN is opening its new and ultra-modern main plant in Mühlhausen. At over 50 million euros, the building represents the largest single investment in the company's 114-year history. The capacity expansion was urgently needed to meet the rapidly increasing global demand for DEHN products. The investment decision at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic is not only a forward-looking milestone in the continuation of DEHN's success story, but also a clear and long-term commitment to the Neumarkt region.

6 Dezember 2023

DEHNproX inspection camera brings the invisible to light

The new wireless inspection camera is part of the DEHNproX product family and enables safe inspections and easy handling with a wireless connection to a smartphone or tablet. This practical inspection camera is used for regular visual inspection and documentation of the condition of electrical systems up to 150 kV / 15 to 60 Hz. It is simple and safe to operate by qualified electricians without the need for special training and can be easily controlled via WiFi using a smartphone or tablet. The voice command feature is especially practical.

10 November 2023

Supervisory Board appoints Boris Wolff as new CSO of DEHN SE

The Supervisory Board of DEHN SE has appointed Boris Wolff (51) as the new CSO of DEHN SE with effect from 1 January 2024. Prior to this, Boris Wolff was Executive Vice President (EVP) Global Sales, Service & Marketing for SMA Solar Technology AG, one of the world's leading photovoltaic system technology specialists. In his new role, he will report to CEO Dr Philipp Dehn. Boris Wolff succeeds Helmut Pusch (53), who left the company by mutual agreement in July 2023.

31 October 2023

DEHNcube EMOB – prewired system solution to protect the wallbox from surges

A prerequisite for the successful expansion of electromobility is a large-scale networked and intelligent charging infrastructure. Elements such as battery-powered storage, remotely controllable charging stations with integrated energy and load management systems, and charge controllers have one key thing in common: they all contain sensitive electronic components which are highly susceptible to damage caused by lightning and surges. The compact DEHNcube EMOB solutions offer protection for wallbox and vehicle with a charging capacity of 11 to 22 kW and are easily retrofitted in existing systems. 

24th October 2023

For the greatest possible safety – DEHN expands its portfolio of personal protective equipment against arc faults

Persons working on or in the vicinity of live electrical equipment are, in principle, exposed to hazards associated with electric arc faults. Arc faults are rare but can never be completely ruled out when working on electrical equipment. Reliable protection is therefore required. DEHN provides holistic solutions aimed to minimise the risk of injury and accidents for employees. DEHNcare ArcFit comprises protective clothing against the thermal effects of electric arc faults which offers both protection and comfort. It is robust and meets the required standards for work on electrical installations. The multinorm protective clothing was developed to protect the wearer against the thermal effects of an arc fault – when worn in combination with the necessary accessories – with additional advantages for the customer. DEHN offers a comprehensive collection for women as well as special sizes for men. The new DEHNcare ArcFit HLP 63 comes into its own when working on systems with higher energies. DEHNcare ArcFit is sporty, comfortable, customisable and, above all, safe.

9th August 2023

Safely earthing pipelines - with screwable earth rods from DEHN

Pipelines are the lifeline of our industrialised society. Their reliable functioning is essential for many supply and production systems. Increased bundling of transportation and energy routes increases inductive and ohmic interference on pipelines. As a result, voltage can occur on and damage pipelines. This may present a hazard to people, material assets and the environment, often resulting in high repair costs. Interference voltages can be caused, for example, by nearby high-voltage transmission lines and railway lines, but also by earth faults and lightning currents. The screwable earth rod from DEHN is the solution for safe earthing. The very low earth electrode resistances achieved with it reduce the corresponding voltages on the pipelines to a minimum. Interference voltages are safely discharged, thus protecting pipelines and people.

2nd August 2023

Telescopic air-termination rods from DEHN – quick and easy to set up, practical for transport and storage

Air-termination rods are part of an air-termination system, and thus essential elements for the external lightning protection of roof-mounted structures or buildings. Their size and dimensions depend on the building in question. The telescopic air-termination rods from DEHN are quick to install, do not take up much space when stored and are convenient to transport. The latching mechanism automatically stops the respective segment part of the air-termination rod, thus preventing it from slipping back uncontrolledly.

25th July 2023

Bavaria's Best 50 - DEHN once again one of the best Bavarian SMEs

More than 99 percent of German companies are small to medium size enterprises (SMEs). Not only do they account for around half of the country's total economic output. They also employ around 60 percent of the total workforce in Germany. Some of these companies stand out for their exceptional entrepreneurial drive and courageous plans for the future. Every year, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy selects fifty exemplary Bavarian companies under the motto "Bavaria's Best 50" - and DEHN is once again one of this year's award winners.

18th July 2023

DEHN - Earthing kit compliant with normative specifications

The earth-termination system is the basis for safe and future-proof electrical installation. All new buildings in Germany must therefore be equipped with an earthing system in accordance with the national standard DIN 18014. Photovoltaics, heat pumps or, for instance, the infrastructure for electric mobility have an impact on the planning of new buildings as well as on refurbishments and retrofits. Consequently, protection concepts must stay abreast of the times.
The DEHN earthing kit with earth rods enables simple, standard-compliant, and future-proof protection of residential buildings with a floor area of up to 120 m2 while offering additional advantages.

11th July 2023

Personnel changes in the executive board – Helmut Pusch leaves DEHN SE

The Supervisory Board of DEHN SE and Helmut Pusch, CSO DEHN SE have agreed, after joint consideration, to end their cooperation. In his almost 30 years at DEHN, he has had an exceptionally positive influence on the company as a whole and on its sales department in particular. Customers, business partners, employees and shareholders perceived Mr Pusch as a representative of DEHN who was always honest and full of integrity. His outstanding professional and market knowledge, his boundless commitment in a wide variety of areas and his high quality standards have characterised him over all these years. Looking ahead, both parties have come to the conclusion that they hold different opinions on fundamental aspects - too different to continue the previously successful cooperation. 

6th June 2023

DEHN for a safe transition to the new energy world

The climate crisis and soaring energy costs are fuelling the growth of renewable energies in all sectors, commercial and private. Intelligent and sustainable generation, distribution and use of energy are key to the sustainable management of resources. From 14 - 16 June, you can find DEHN at Europe’s most important platform for the energy industry - The smarter E Europe in Munich, Hall B5, Stand 420. The immense increase in renewable energies presents us with new challenges. For example, how to provide protection against the effects of lightning or surges caused by switching operations, both now and in the future. DEHN can respond to these challenges with its protection solutions, a combination of proven and new innovative products with comprehensive services. For a continuous supply of energy - DEHN protects investments around the globe against disruptions caused by lightning currents and surges.

8th May 2023

DEHN goes to Sweden – first public appearance at ELFACK 2023

A failure of sensitive, networked technology, whether in industry, infrastructure or even in residential and office buildings, is unacceptable and often has serious consequences. DEHN, one of the world's leading suppliers of surge protection, lightning protection, earthing and safety equipment, offers protection solutions for industry, photovoltaic systems, e-mobility charging infrastructure, energy storage systems, LED lighting, railway infrastructure or even residential and office buildings, for example – in tailor-made fashion to meet all different requirements. "Mobilising electrification and digitalisation for a sustainable society", is the slogan for this year's ELFACK, one of the most important trade fairs in northern Europe for energy and electrification, which is taking place from 9 to 12 May 2023 in Gothenburg. Accordingly, on the occasion of the first public appearance of DEHN Sverige at stand G00:40, DEHN will show how the challenges described can be solved easily and safely.

28th April 2023

DEHN founded sales company in Sweden

The Scandinavian economy has been experiencing growth for many years. Despite the small 
population, the region is home to more and more high-quality companies. In order to serve these 
markets even better, DEHN, as one of the world's leading suppliers of surge protection, lightning 
protection, earthing and safety equipment, has founded its own sales company in Sweden to 
commence operations on 1 April 2023. The company is thus consistently maintaining its 
international orientation. In future, DEHN Sverige AB will focus in particular on the areas of 
railways, electric mobility, energy storage and high-quality building technology for data centres, 
hospitals and industry, as well as renewable energies.

18th April2023

For the energy mix of tomorrow – DEHN protects the production and transport of "green hydrogen"

Over the past few years few topics have been as intensively discussed as our energy supply. What components should our energy mix have in the future to support the further development and expansion of the various megatrends of our time? Particularly in the recent past, the topic of hydrogen has become increasingly prominent, but only a few players are currently venturing into the subject. A first coordinated initiative is the " Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) ", which links partners from industry, science and politics. DEHN has been part of the alliance since the beginning of 2023. For regardless of whether it is a matter of producing or transporting "green hydrogen", comprehensive protection against lightning strikes and surges is essential.

16th March 2023

20 years of product experience rolled into one conductor – DEHN presents HVI light plus for lightning protection applications

Even under difficult conditions. planning engineers and installers of lightning protection systems must maintain separation distances in order to prevent lightning current flashover into a building. 
Not only metal and electrical roof superstructures, but also retrofitted PV and mobile radio systems are in a highly exposed position. They must be protected from lightning strikes whilst maintaining the separation distance. The modern continuation of Benjamin Franklin style lightning protection is HVI light plus from DEHN. The high-voltage-resistant, insulated down conductor discharges lightning current from the air-termination system safely to the earth-termination system. It is system-tested and offers numerous advantages for installation and planning.

29th September 2022

Sustainable and safe - DEHN at Light + Building 2022

Smart technological solutions for residential and functional buildings, and networked systems in infrastructure and industry, are currently the state of the art. Maximum availability is a prerequisite here. Malfunctions with unscheduled downtimes can quickly cause significant additional work associated with extremely high costs. The reliability and protection of sensitive systems is therefore of the highest priority. Comprehensive lightning and surge protection is an essential component in rendering installations and systems safer and more reliable, and thus more efficient. At this year’s Light + Building, from 2 to 6 October, DEHN is presenting pioneering protection solutions for a wide variety of fields – be it for residential buildings, industrial buildings, data centres or e-mobility.

19th September 2022

InnoTrans 2022: Protect railway infrastructure with DEHN

In order for rail technology to work reliably, many highly sensitive electrical and electronic systems must do so too. The continuous availability of these systems is at risk, however. Lightning strikes or electromagnetic interference fields damage or destroy conductors, control devices, modules or computer systems. Lightning currents and surges can thus quickly cause costly downtimes and disruptions. Train delays, a lot of extra hassle and extremely high costs are the consequence. Comprehensive lightning and surge protection is therefore an essential component in rendering installations and systems safer and more reliable, and thus more efficient. DEHN is presenting its comprehensive portfolio for this industry at this year's InnoTrans from 20 to 23 September in Berlin.

13th September 2022

DEHNpatch – Surge protection for Ethernet infrastructure

Advancing digitalisation demands an ever faster supply of data.  High transmission volumes and ever improving bandwidths are a prerequisite. Structured cabling is an important component of today's network topology for information and data technology. In this context, safety is a multifaceted topic, in which lightning current and surge arresters play an important role. The new DEHNpatch DPA CL8 EA 4PPOE arrester is designed for use in a switchgear cabinet or data distributor and can handle data rates of up to 10 GBit/s.  With Power over Ethernet (up to 4PPoE with a power transmission of up to 100 W), class EA transmission standard (max. 500 MHz), status indication and the possibility of remote signalling, the DEHNpatch is equipped for modern applications. Available bandwidths can be maxxed out while undisrupted data transmission can be ensured.

5th September 2022

For high supply reliability: DEHN presents new surge protection for residential buildings

Irrespective of whether it’s a single- or multi-family dwelling or an old or new building, a power supply that meets the latest technical requirements and safety standards for each of these cases is important and recommended. If you are diligent during retrofitting or redesigning buildings, you will ultimately have the required reliability of supply. An essential component here is protection against surges. As the latest product of the established DEHNguard surge protection device range, DEHN – the lightning and surge protection specialist – presents the DEHNguard MP type 2 + type 3 with push-in double terminals for quicker and easier installation.

April 2022

Joint donation

United to help – Staff and company at DEHN SE make a joint donation for people in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine has had us on edge for several weeks now. It has led to unprecedented demonstrations of solidarity and willingness to help throughout the world. DEHN SE wants to help. In its own fundraising campaign, more than 20,000 euros were collected by the workforce. By way of motivation, the company had made an initial contribution of €25,000 and also promised to double the amount of money raised by the employees at the end of the campaign. In total, a joint DEHN donation of 66,000 euros was put together. 

March 2022

Statement of the Executive Board of DEHN SE on the Events in the Ukraine

We have been following recent events in Ukraine with great concern. What is happening there leaves us speechless. It was inconceivable for many of us that, in this day and age, acts of war could hold us in suspense - least of all directly on the external border of the European Union. Our thoughts are with the people in Ukraine and all our colleagues who are directly or indirectly affected by the conflict.

March 2022

Cooperation of technological leaders

DEHN and Max Bögl collaborate on a wind tower project

How to prevent damage to a wind turbine as best as possible if lightning strikes the exposed tower? This was the question posed to simulation experts from DEHN along with the Max Bögl Group in a project. Now both companies are benefitting from the results.

January 2022

Florian Bohlmann to become CFO of DEHN SE

The family-owned company is strengthening its Executive Board and has appointed Florian Bohlmann as the Chief Financial Officer of DEHN SE as of 1 January 2022. The 45-year-old has been a commercial manager at DEHN since 2016.

November 2021

PAS EX from DEHN – Safety with non-sparking equipotential bonding

Equipotential bonding is essential; particularly in potentially explosive areas. It eliminates differences in potential, thus preventing dangerous touch voltages and sparking. In order to achieve this, all external, conductive system parts and installations that could cause dangerous potential differences must be connected to the main earthing busbar.

September 2021

DEHNrecord Smart Device - Creating transparency in a low-voltage system

Modern power grids consist of an increasing proportion of electronics and therefore have many components with a low dielectric strength. They are also highly interconnected. Added to this is the shift from centralised power generation to a volatile power grid supplemented by a multitude of decentralised renewable energy generators and non-linear power consumers. 

July 2021

DEHNventil: Full Power - half the width

In just 4 standard DIN modules, the compact combined arrester, type 1+2+3, protects against transient overvoltages in low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies. Small width and a compact single module that saves you time during installation and maintenance.

January 2021

DEHNcare ArcFit – Individual configuration, greater comfort, reliable protection

With the new arc-fault-tested DEHNcare ArcFit protective clothing and the corresponding online configurator, DEHN offers more individuality and comfort during the highly demanding task of working on electrical installations. With the new, user-friendly configurator, you are only a few clicks away from the desired protective clothing.

Simon Thaler

Simon Thaler ⎟ Head of Corporate Communications

Daily and Business Press

T. +49 9181 906 2339 | +49 151 146 308 90

Petra Raab

Petra Raab ⎟ Head of External Communications

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