DEHNdetect protects wind turbines
DEHN protects wind turbines

DEHNdetect keeps you informed

Prevent expensive maintenance work and long downtimes.

The problem: Lightning damage frequently remains undetected in wind turbines as it often does not lead to the immediate failure of the system.

Upward lightning with an initial long stroke current of only a few 100A is the chief cause of damage such as melting on the receptors of the rotor blades.

In the long term, this damage can lead to turbine failure.

Good to know: Due to the low current flow, standard measuring systems frequently fail to detect all dangerous upward lightning. Alongside impulse current, DEHNdetect also reliably registers these dangerous long stroke currents so you can prevent expensive maintenance work and long downtimes.

Reliable monitoring - keeping a close eye on things

With DEHNdetect you can keep an eye on all the parameters of a lightning event.

Decisions about repair jobs or servicing work are then based on detailed information rather than gut instinct.

All important data at a glance

The DEHNdetect lightning current measuring system registers long stroke and impulse currents. Following a lightning event, you automatically receive an e-mail with detailed information. The rotor blade detection tells you exactly which rotor blade is affected. This optimises the preparation of maintenance work and avoids wasting time.

Data management in the cloud…

Very practical: All the data is transmitted to a cloud, either via the local network of the wind turbine or a mobile connection. Here you can display all the available lightning current measuring systems individually and read out and manage the parameters.

The possibility of connecting with various monitoring systems means that you are flexible, now and in the future.

... or on the company server

You would prefer to send your data to the company server than to a cloud? This does not present a problem either.



DEHNdetect - a compact summary of what is important

Why a lightning current measuring system? What are the benefits of DEHNdetect? Which components does the system consist of?
In this video, our expert summarises the most important aspects of the DEHNdetect lightning current measuring system in just a few minutes.
(Note: Video WindEnergy Hamburg 2020)

Reliable monitoring - keeping a close eye on things

With DEHNdetect you can keep an eye on all the parameters of a lightning event.

Decisions about repair jobs or servicing work are then based on detailed information rather than gut instinct.

All important data at a glance

The DEHNdetect lightning current measuring system registers long stroke and impulse currents. Following a lightning event, you automatically receive an e-mail with detailed information. The rotor blade detection tells you exactly which rotor blade is affected. This optimises the preparation of maintenance work and avoids wasting time.

Data management in the cloud...

Very practical: All the data is transmitted to a cloud, either via the local network of the wind turbine or a mobile connection. Here you can display all the available lightning current measuring systems individually and read out and manage the parameters.

The possibility of connecting with various monitoring systems means that you are flexible, now and in the future.

... or on the company server

You would prefer to send your data to the company server than to a cloud? This does not present a problem either.


DEHNdetect: A made-to-measure solution for your requirements.
Contact us, we will be pleased to advise you.

DEHNdetect lightning current measuring system

This monitoring system keeps you in the picture. Whether for an individual turbine or a whole wind park, with DEHNdetect you always have data on the condition of your components close at hand

The system detects

  • Impulse current [kA]
  • Long stroke current [A]
  • Load [C]
  • Specific energy [MJ/Ω]
  • Rise time [kA/μs]

It identifies the affected blade and notifies you in the SCADA system or online


Your benefits with DEHNdetect

  • You are always up to date
  • You avoid subsequent damage
  • You reduce service and repair costs
  • You reduce downtimes

Product information

Product information

DEHNdetect DDL

DEHNdetect DL

Data logger with different interfaces for integration into IT systems.

DEHNdetect Integrator

DEHNdetect integrator

Processing of the measuring signals and transfer to the data logger.


Rogowski coil for measuring long stroke and impulse currents, measuring range 60 A up to 250 kA.

DEHNdetect BDU

DEHNdetect BDU

Detector for the wireless detection of the lightning current in the rotor blade.

Configuration files for Modbus - icomData Suite

You want to use Modbus as an easy and convenient way to connect the DEHNdetect to an INSYS icom router? Ready-to-use configuration files for this purpose are available in the download area. These already contain all important Modbus registers required for your application. Simply upload the corresponding file in icom Data Suite and you're ready to go.

For example, you can integrate the DEHNdetect into a SCADA system via the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol.

DEHNdetect video

Reliable detection of long stroke currents in wind turbines

Lightning current measuring system for reliably detecting lightning events with the aim of avoiding expensive maintenance work and long downtimes.

DEHNdetect registers both impulse and long stroke currents and keeps you informed. If you like, via push messages directly to your smartphone or tablet.

Upward flashes – a risk for wind turbines

Learn more about:

  • What are upward flashes?
  • How do they occur?
  • And why are ICConly events so dangerous for wind turbines?

Have you got any questions? Contact us.

Technical support

T. +49 9181 906 1750

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