Fontos szabványok az e-mobilitás számára

Milyen szabványokat kell figyelembe venni az elektromos autók töltőinfrastruktúrájánál?

The MSZ HD 60364 standard series consists of installation standards and therefore has to be used for fixed installations. If a charging station is not movable and connected via fixed cables, it falls under the scope of IEC 60364.

MSZ HD 60364-4-443, ) provides information on WHEN surge protection is to be installed. For example, if surges can have effects on public services, commercial and industrial activities and if sensitive equipment of overvoltage category I + II ... is installed.

MSZ HD 60364-5-534,  deals with the question WHICH surge protection is to be selected and HOW it is to be installed.

What is new?

IEC 60364-7-722 – Requirements for special installations or locations – Supplies for electric vehicles

As of June 2019, the new IEC 60364-7-722 standard is mandatory for planning and installing surge protection solutions for connection points which are accessible to the public.

722.443 Protection against transient overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching
722.443.4 Overvoltage control

A connecting point accessible to the public is considered to be part of a public facility and must therefore be protected against transient overvoltages. As before, surge protective devices are still selected and installed according to IEC 60364-4-44, clause 443 and IEC 60364-5-53, clause 534.


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